Rental Application

Applicant Details

List whatever charges there were and disposition (what was the end result?)

Rental History

Rental Preferences

If Yes, each person over 18 must complete a separate application.
How many registered motor vehicles will be parked regularly at the property?

Employment & Income Sources

Check all that you have with your bank.
Only if within the last 10-years
Company or if Retired or Disabled, so state

Previous Employment

Only required if Current Employment is Less than 2-Years.

Personal References

3-Required / At least 2 cannot be family

Emergency Contact

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload an image of your State Issued Identification

Application Processing & Payment

Price: $ 50.00
Applicant Certification: By signing and submitting this form and paying the Application Fee, I hereby certify that I am at least 18 years of age as the Applicant completing this form. I certify that all information given on this application is true and correct. I hereby authorize verification of all references and facts, including but not limited to current and previous landlords, employers, and personal references. I hereby authorize any owner/agent utilized or authorized by Genesis Opportunity Corporation to obtain any and all Unlawful Detainer, Credit Reports, Telechecks, and/or Criminal Background Reports. I agree to furnish additional credit and/or personal references upon request. I understand that incomplete or incorrect information provided in the application may cause a delay in processing which may result in denial of tenancy. I acknowledge that the Application Fee is not an offer or guarantee of residency and is not refundable. I hereby waive any claim and releases from liability any person providing or obtaining said verification or additional information.
Sign Here using your mouse or finger if touchscreen
$ 0.00